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MIG6533 Mig SOLUTION BOOK 28 - How to Paint Rebel Galactic Starships  (E

MIG6533 Mig SOLUTION BOOK 28 - How to Paint Rebel Galactic Starships (E

Price: £12.95
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Limited edition. Only available until stock runs out.

Soft cover, 65 pages with high-quality full-color photos.

This book is Multilingual: English, Spanish, French & German

Reference: MIG6533

Title: Solution Book 28: How to Paint Rebel Galactic Starships

Author/s: Jaroslav Maly´

Publisher: AMMO by Mig Jiménez

Subject: Painting and weathering techniques for Science-Fiction

Collection: Solution Book

Languages: Multilingual: English, Spanish, French and German

No. of pages & Description: Softcover, 65 pages with high-quality full-color photos

ISBN / DL NA: ISBN 978-84-19665-41-6 / DL NA 28-2025

SOLUTION BOOK: How to Paint Rebel Galactic Starships will allow you to paint and apply weathering effects to any Star Wars Rebel Alliance starfighter and capital ship, and even the Republic subjects as they used similar colors. Although a B-Wing heavy assault starfighter was chosen as an example for this step-by-step guide, the same processes can be applied using the same methods and sequence for any of the Rebel Alliance’s starships, like the X-Wing, A-Wing, B-Wing, Y-Wing, or Snow Speeder, to large vessels such as the swift CR90 corvettes, Nebulon-B escort frigates, or the MC-80 Mon Calamari cruisers. Now simply grab your favorite model and start painting without further delay!

Most of the techniques described are optional and it is up to you to decide whether to apply them or not. If you want to improve your painting and weathering techniques, we recommend that you try all of them.

SOLUTION BOOK is a simple and basic guide intended to help any modeler easily achieve similar results to those shown in the book. It doesn´t matter if the reader is a novice or a more seasoned and experienced modeler, by following the steps in this guide they will be able to obtain amazing results with the efficient and effective methods shown.

SOLUTION BOOK´s new design will allow you to follow each step in a very easy and intuitive manner without text by using a simple icon-based code that will show what to do at each step. By following the steps shown in this guide, you will be able to achieve excellent results with very little effort.